It’s a powerful project management tool that makes getting started and managing projects simple and easy. Microsoft Project is a smart solution built for enterprises and businesses of all sizes. With Adobe Workfront, you can get products to market faster by better managing the status of all of your projects, as well as being able to work on and iterate on ideas much quicker.show more This solution provides a centralized place from where you can manage all your workflows and deliver work that is of a higher quality. Adobe Workfront eliminates the roadblocks that can keep you from building credibility and trust with your clients, as well as enabling your team to stay much better connected. Adobe Workfront also enables your team to better prioritize work and set expectations so are able to deliver impactful projects on time. Adobe Workfront works by providing you with a structured way to create and manage workflows so you can prove their value and always get accurate information at the right time. The tool Is fully integrated with Workfront, and once installed, opens automatically when you click any interactive proof in Workfront.Adobe Workfront is a digital solution that helps you streamline your processes, boost productivity, and manage your work in a better way. There is no difference in the interface, so users don't need additional complicated training. The Desktop Proofing Viewer is as simple as the web proofing viewer. The role of the Desktop Proofing Viewer is to display and provide feedback on interactive content (websites and interactive banners) with additional capability that allows users to test the content against different devices and screen sizes. The Desktop Proofing Viewer is fully secure and works exactly the same as the browser-based viewers. We will support this kind of content in the web version of the proofing viewer and in the Desktop Proofing Viewer (as an option). There is no obligation to use the Desktop Proofing Viewer for reviewing other content like PDFs, images, static websites, or audio and video files.

The Desktop Proofing Viewer is required only for interactive content proofing.

We are not able to support interactive proofing on Internet Explorer Websites need to be capable of being rendered in an iframe (this is a very common protection set on websites) Following are the limitations that we are not able to overcome in a web-based solution, due to the browsers limitations: This includes reviewing and approving interactive content that is hosted on any accessible server or platform, without limitations. The Desktop Proofing Viewer has been built to provide more possibilities for reviewing interactive content, which we are not able to achieve in the web version. Just wanted to explain a few things regarding the topic: